
Harris Web Works’ Ascend is a versatile Open Source SaaS platform tailored for high-SKU industries, offering dual shopping experiences and seamless system integrations to optimize complex product catalogs and enhance online sales. Built on the power of Magento.

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Features of Ascend

  • Offers a Dual Shopping Experience: Our platform provides a seamless integration of traditional ecommerce shopping alongside the innovative Product Group Page feature developed by Harris Web Works. This dual approach caters to varied user preferences, offering conventional category-based shopping pages for those who prefer the familiar browsing experience, while also presenting the advanced PGP option for in-depth, specification-driven shopping and buyer self-service.
  • Seamless ERP & PIM System Integration: Enables straightforward integration with key enterprise resource planning and product information management systems, featuring pre-built NetSuite and Sales Layer integrations for streamlined operations and data consistency.
  • Distinct Store Views for B2B & B2C: Allows for differentiated shopping experiences, displaying unique store views for B2B buyers compared to non-logged-in or B2C users, enabling personalized content and pricing strategies.
  • Wholesale Price Book Mapping: Simplifies the buying process by directly mapping to custom wholesale price books, facilitating easy and efficient self-service for B2B buyers.
  • Multi-site & Shared Catalog Capabilities: Leverages Adobe Commerce’s multisite functionality to manage multiple e-commerce sites from a single Adobe Commerce instance, each customizable with unique products, categories, and content.
  • Industry-Leading Templating Solution: Offers the fastest templating solution available, significantly reducing project implementation costs and accelerating time to market for new and existing Adobe Commerce sites.
  • Out-of-the-Box Adobe Page Builder Compatibility: Ensures immediate compatibility with Adobe Page Builder, allowing for extensive customization and content management without additional development.
  • Premier User Experience for High SKU Industries: Delivers a best-in-class user experience for industries with large SKU counts, optimizing both the customer and store owner experience in B2B and B2C contexts.
  • Broad Industrial Applications: Ascend is expertly tailored for a diverse range of industries that require detailed and attribute-rich product listings. Beyond plumbing, hardware, HVAC, electrical, and building supplies, Ascend is also ideal for sectors such as:
    • Industrial & Safety Equipment: For businesses dealing in safety gear, industrial machinery, and equipment, Ascend manages complex product specifications and compliance details effortlessly.
    • Medical Supplies & Equipment: Catering to medical distributors and suppliers, Ascend supports intricate product specifications, variant tracking, and compliance needs, crucial for this sector.
    • Automotive Parts & Supplies: Supports automotive industry players with extensive SKU management, accommodating a vast array of parts, accessories, and specification details.
    • Electronics & Electrical Components: Ideal for retailers and distributors of electronics and electrical products, Ascend handles complex product attributes like wattage, voltage, compatibility, and more.
    • Chemicals & Laboratory Supplies: Ascend provides robust solutions for chemical suppliers and lab equipment businesses by managing detailed product data, safety information, and compliance standards.
    • Food Service & Restaurant Supplies: Supports the unique needs of the food service industry, managing a wide range of products from kitchen equipment to disposable items, with detailed specifications and variants.
    • Janitorial & Maintenance Supplies: Offers comprehensive SKU management and detailed product descriptions for businesses in maintenance and cleaning supplies, covering a broad spectrum of products.
  • Automated Review Collection with Integration: Facilitates automated collection and publication of customer reviews, enhancing trust and engagement through the platform integration while automatically pushing product and service reviews to Google.
  • Informative Blog Article Module: Incorporates a dedicated module for blog articles, enabling content marketing and customer education as part of the e-commerce experience.
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More Things to Know

Harris Web Works’ Ascend is a cutting-edge Adobe Commerce theme that revolutionizes the online shopping experience for businesses in the industrial sector and beyond. Ascend seamlessly blends traditional e-commerce functionality with our innovative Product Group Page (PGP) feature, a best-in-class solution tailored to handle complex product catalogs with extensive specification. This dual approach empowers businesses to cater to diverse customer preferences, offering both conventional category-based browsing and an advanced, specification-driven PGP for in-depth product exploration and buyer self-service.

Ascend’s comprehensive suite of features extends far beyond its dynamic product presentation capabilities. With seamless Sales Layer PIM and ERP system integration, distinct B2B and B2C storefronts, wholesale price book mapping, shared catalog support, and industry-leading templating, Ascend streamlines operations, mitigates scope creep, ensures data consistency, and accelerates time to-market. Ascend answers uncertainties around data integration with front end user experiences in both the B2B and B2C operational spaces without sacrifice to tailor to almost any e-commerce market. Its out-of-the-box Adobe Page Builder compatibility further enables extensive customization, while automated review collection and an informative blog module foster trust, engagement, and content marketing opportunities. Expertly tailored for industries spanning industrials, medical, automotive, electronics, chemicals, home improvement, and beyond, Ascend delivers a premier user experience optimized to meet the unique demands of high-SKU environments, all while removing the unknown costs typically found in ecommerce replatforming initiatives.

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The PGP (Product Group Page)

The Product Group Page is Harris Web Work’s answer to the often complicated and frustrating problem that comes with showing large quantities of specification dependent SKUs for both B2B and B2C customers. Our PGP presents complex and extensive product ranges in an organized, detailed, and user-friendly way while catering to the unique needs of the industrial market in ways traditional e-commerce templates and site designs can’t.

  • Organized Presentation of Large Product Inventories: Designed to efficiently handle extensive product lists, aiding users in navigating vast quantities of items without the usual overwhelm, which is a common shortfall in standard e-commerce platforms.
  • Detailed Product Information: Focuses on specification-dependent SKUs, providing all essential details for each product, a crucial feature for B2B customers needing specific information for informed decisions.
  • Customizable Attribute Columns at the Category Level: Empowers store owners with complete control over attribute display by allowing them to select and order attributes for each category. Once set, the grid dynamically populates with the chosen attribute values for all products within that category, ensuring tailored and relevant product information presentation.
  • Filtering & Sorting: Enhances product discovery through robust filtering and sorting capabilities, enabling users to quickly pinpoint products matching their precise specifications.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Prioritizes usability, facilitating effortless navigation, search, and information retrieval, thereby improving user satisfaction and fostering loyalty.
  • Enhanced Customization with Adobe Page Builder: Offers unparalleled flexibility by enabling store owners to enrich category descriptions using a variety of content types, including text, videos, bullet points, and more. This feature allows for a dynamic and engaging presentation of each category, catering to diverse marketing strategies and customer engagement tactics.
  • Targeted for the Industrials Market: Specifically crafted to meet the distinct demands of the industrials sector, offering detailed specifications and a wider product category range, unlike conventional e-commerce templates.
  • Adaptable for Both B2B & B2C: A versatile design that accommodates the needs of both business clients and individual consumers, making the platform intuitive and informative for a diverse audience.


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Who does Ascend Target?

  • Legacy Businesses Embracing Modernization: Ascend is ideal for established companies aiming to revitalize their online sales channels. It offers modern, efficient, and scalable e-commerce solutions, empowering legacy businesses to adapt and thrive in the competitive and evolving industrial space.
  • Companies Seeking Advanced Re-platforming Solutions: Ascend is the go-to choice for businesses transitioning from outdated or limited e-commerce systems. It provides a seamless upgrade path with robust capabilities to handle complex product inventories and sophisticated business processes.
  • Adobe Commerce Users Aiming for Enhanced Online Presence: For businesses already on Adobe Commerce and looking to elevate their e-commerce experience, Ascend offers comprehensive re-theming capabilities. It introduces a fresh, optimized online presence while leveraging existing platform investments.
  • Growing Enterprises Needing Scalable E-commerce Infrastructure: Businesses that have surpassed the capabilities of platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce will find Ascend’s scalability and advanced B2B functionalities invaluable. It’s designed to support expansive product catalogs and complex B2B sales processes without compromising performance.
  • Businesses Seeking a Definitive E-commerce Solution: Ascend addresses the critical pain points of scaling and cost management that emerge as businesses grow rapidly. It offers a robust, cost-effective platform engineered to accommodate growth, increase efficiency, and reduce total ownership costs, making it the ultimate solution for dynamic and expanding enterprises.


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